Sunday, 4 November 2012

New app for Ash Tree Disease

A new app has been launched to help prevent the spread of the devastating disease that has wiped out million of trees across the UK and Europe.

Ash is a very important material for making walking sticks and canes; we use ash for making walking sticks just as much as any other type of timber and it would be a devastating blow to all walking sticks makers.

The disease is known as ash dieback, caused by the fungus
Chalara fraxinea, the disease was first found in the UK last week raising fears that it might spread right through the UK.

Ash is used to make all types of walking sticks and walking canes; knob, crook and thumb walking sticks are all used to make ash-walking canes. One advantage of ash is the strength for the timber, which is excellent for making quality walking sticks. We also cut ash in 6 by 6 inch squares to make crook handles that are used in shepherd’s crook walking sticks.

One major checks sound be made is you find a ash tree with this disease, it is recognisable by lesions on their bark, dieback of leaves and the trees crown and also leaves turning brown. But one major problem is with autumn seasons make it harder to spot the disease on the ash trees.

The idea of the app is that if you see or if you think you have seen the disease you can submit photos and the location of the trees, then the app will send the information on the forestry commission.

More information can be found at

For the app visit -

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